SoftHub Webinar

SoftHub is a design concept for local urban development that prioritises people and active mobility, keeps public transport for those most in need, moves workplaces back to high streets and enhances the performance of neighbourhood centres.

Useful Studio together with Space Syntax and our sister company Expedition Engineering have created SoftHub as a response to the mobility challenges of COVID19.

We will be discussing this concept in a webinar at 12.00 on Thursday 02 July.

COVID-19 has shown that human behaviour changes can occur in cities without changing the underlying physical systems. Remote working has enabled reductions in energy use, traffic, congestion and air pollution but Covid has also shown inequalities. Not everyone has a job they can do from home, or the space at home to do it. Not everyone can cycle or walk to work and not everyone can get to an outdoor space. To try to maintain some of the positive changes, but also address the negative impacts, we have developed a concept for local urban development that we are calling SoftHub.