• A Retrofit Guide for Nationwide Building Property Services

 A Retrofit Guide focusing on the building fabric and energy performance.

Useful Studio have been appointed to develop a Retrofit Study for Nationwide Building Society's Property Services (NBSPS) team.

Focusing on one mixed-use property, this Study comprises a Nationwide branch, offices and residential accommodation. Working with the support of Expedition Engineering, Useful Studio carried out a detailed appraisal of the 1960’s building’s fabric and energy performance, using half-hourly data collected over a one-year period. This enabled a scientific and measured response, comparing improvements of varying scales of intervention to their energy payback. In addition to its energy performance, improvements to the building’s high-street frontage, biodiversity and future-proofing were also identified.

This Study is intended as a pilot scheme because the building in focus shares attributes with a large proportion of Nationwide’s portfolio. This means that the improvements identified are scalable and transferrable, acting as a tool-kit with the potential to help NBSPS achieve embodied carbon reductions across their portfolio, reduce operational carbon, and positively impact the high-streets. 

This Retrofit Study supports our ongoing appointment with Nationwide Building Society to help meet their long-term sustainability commitments alongside an Acquisition Guide and Sustainability Plan.

Nationwide Building Property Services
Team Credits:
Environmental Design : Expedition Engineering