• BNU Gateway Garden

Nature positive and regenerative campus design

University campuses can offer excellent opportunities for biodiversity enhancement while providing high quality places for outdoor learning, leisure, and socialising. Working with fellow Social Enterprise, Oxford Wood Recycling, we are converting an underutilised part of the Buckinghamshire New University main campus into a vibrant garden which will provide a place to gather amongst a cluster of protected TPO trees. Our design introduces numerous additional plant species, identified for their biodiversity benefits, as well as furniture made entirely from reclaimed timber. A long elegantly curved ‘living’ bench will provide seating and planters while the tall back will provide an acoustic barrier to minimise road noise.

The campus is located very centrally in High Wycombe providing a well-connected and lively place for students and staff while also serving as an important link between the town’s main shopping district and the hospital. Footfall is high but opportunities to dwell are low, and the university are engaged in an ambitious plan to hugely improve their public realm.

Alongside the detailed design of this garden we are leading on a campus wide masterplan that delivers on the university commitment to nature and to aide their Nature Positive Universities pledge. BNU are founding signatories and setting targets for real change.


Buckinghamshire New University
Team Credits:

Fabricator: Oxford Wood Recycling, Social Enterprise

Ecologist: Future Nature WTC

Landscape Designer: Julie Wise Design